Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Forge Cover

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Forge


In her DLC debut, Lara must brave the lava-flooded Forge of the fallen gods to uncover the secrets of Kuwaq Yaku. Throughout her journey, she will uncover details about a friend’s ancient legacy, and overcome a danger long thought to be lost in flame. The Forge delivers a brand-new challenge tomb, playable in both solo and co-op. Players who complete the challenge tomb will be rewarded with the Grenadier skill, Brocken outfit, and Umbrage 3-80 weapon. A completely new adventure, The Forge is the first of seven monthly DLC releases available through the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Season Pass, providing players with an abundance of fresh content, challenge tombs, co-op experiences, weapons and outfits, and additional narrative side missions. Additionally, The Forge will introduce Score Attack and Time Attack modes. Lara Croft has mastered an unforgiving jungle, explored vast ruin-filled landscapes, and battled Trinity for the fate of humanity, all set against the backdrop of the Maya apocalypse. Yet even more adventures await in the hidden City of Paititi. New mysteries and challenges will arise, friendships and rivalries will deepen, and above all, new tombs will be discovered in a series of DLCs that expand the world of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Forge Screenshot
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Forge Screenshot

Release Dates

Xbox OneOct 10, 2018PC (Microsoft Windows)Nov 13, 2018PlayStation 4Oct 10, 2018LinuxNov 13, 2018MacNov 13, 2018Google StadiaNov 19, 2019



Game Modes

Player Perspectives


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