The Crimson Diamond Cover

The Crimson Diamond


"The Crimson Diamond is a text-parser EGA mystery adventure game by indie game developer Julia Minamata. The Crimson Diamond is inspired by classic adventure games of the late 80s and early 90s, particularly Sierra On-line's The Colonel's Bequest. Explore Crimson Lodge and its environs! Eavesdrop on intriguing characters! Solve mysteries!" "The Crimson Diamond is a text parser mystery adventure game where you play as amateur geologist and reluctant detective Nancy Maple. Follow Nancy as she travels north to the fictional ghost town of Crimson, Ontario to investigate the discovery of a massive diamond in the area. Eavesdrop on conversations to learn more about the eccentric cast of characters who find themselves gathered at Crimson Lodge. Explore the lodge and its environs to evaluate the diamond claim, and maybe solve a mystery or two along the way! The Crimson Diamond is a cozy mystery that encourages reading and engaging in the story over devious arcade challenges."

The Crimson Diamond Screenshot
The Crimson Diamond Screenshot
The Crimson Diamond Screenshot
The Crimson Diamond Screenshot
The Crimson Diamond Screenshot

Release Dates

MacAug 15, 2024PC (Microsoft Windows)Aug 15, 2024



Game Modes

Player Perspectives


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