Alien: Isolation - Trauma
Welcome to Trauma, the second add-on content pack for Alien: Isolation. This pack features three all-new maps for Survivor Mode, a time-based challenge to test your skills. Face off against a range of enemies across the medical bays of Sevastopol station. Will you evade, distract or confront them? You'll have to act fast if you want to survive. - Three new maps, including a claustrophobic scramble through the Sevastopol vents. - Play as Chief Medical Officer Lingard and get faster access to Medikits and distraction IEDs. - Destroy any trace of your research and save the survivors on the station.

Release Dates
MacDec 02, 2014PlayStation 3Dec 02, 2014PlayStation 4Dec 02, 2014LinuxDec 02, 2014Xbox OneDec 02, 2014Xbox 360Dec 02, 2014PC (Microsoft Windows)Dec 02, 2014