Fruit Ninja Cover

Fruit Ninja


Fruit Ninja is a juicy action game with squishy, splatty and satisfying fruit carnage! Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with every slash. Swipe up across the screen to deliciously slash fruit like a true ninja warrior. With three games modes in single player and worldwide leaderboards using Openfeint, the addictive gameplay will keep you coming back for even higher scores.

Fruit Ninja Screenshot
Fruit Ninja Screenshot
Fruit Ninja Screenshot
Fruit Ninja Screenshot
Fruit Ninja Screenshot

Release Dates

AndroidSep 15, 2010iOSApr 20, 2010PC (Microsoft Windows)Jun 07, 2012PlayStation VitaAug 13, 2013Windows PhoneDec 22, 2010Xbox 360Aug 10, 2011Legacy Mobile DeviceMar 2011Web browserDec 18, 2024



Game Modes

Player Perspectives



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