The Angry Video Game Nerd: Game Over 2
This is an old game of mine that I felt like sharing here. Problems may occur while playing it, so apologies up front. Original release date was back in 2010. Lord Gavin, a dark master with a once terrifying power to alter reality as he saw fit, sot to rewrite the physical world in his image, leaving those helpless to beg under his will. Thought time, he was cast into eternal imprisonment within the virtual world by heros chosen by fate and chance. There he would reside and spare the world from his dark intent. With the knowledge of him gone from the passing of time, Lord Gavin once agai became unbound from his virtual domain and was free to unleash his wrath into our world. With humanity staring Virtual Armageddon in the eyes, another chosen hero stood to face against this evil and drive it out of our world. That hero was known as "The Angry Video Game Nerd".