Saints Row IV Cover

Saints Row IV


Unlike the first three games in the franchise, Saints Row 4 does not center around the main character defeating three rival gangs in order to take over a city. The Saints have now become a household name, and their leader has become the president of the Unites States. The antagonists in Saints Row 4 are an invading alien race known as the Zin. Most of the game takes place within a computer simulation of the city of Steelport controlled by the Zin, where the protagonist is attempting to free himself and his companions.

Saints Row IV Screenshot
Saints Row IV Screenshot
Saints Row IV Screenshot
Saints Row IV Screenshot
Saints Row IV Screenshot

Release Dates

PC (Microsoft Windows)Sep 12, 2013PlayStation 4Jan 20, 2015PlayStation 3Sep 12, 2013Xbox OneAug 23, 2013Xbox 360Aug 23, 2013



Game Modes

Player Perspectives


Game Engines



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