Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1 Cover

Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1


Twogether: Project Indigos is a single player third person puzzle adventure. Set in the frightening Hexacells facilities, Twogether will pose original puzzles that will only be solvable by collaboration. The game will make the players examine, evaluate and act according to the elements in their surroundings and the powers of the two protagonists, as if they were to escape from a gloomy Escape Room.

Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1 Screenshot
Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1 Screenshot
Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1 Screenshot
Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1 Screenshot
Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1 Screenshot

Release Dates

PlayStation 4Nov 23, 2021PC (Microsoft Windows)Nov 22, 2022


Game Modes




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