In a certain town in a certain place, there lived a boy named Shunsuke Takano. One day, Shunsuke set out alone to visit his grandparents' house, and on a Saturday morning, he promptly departed. It seems that his neighbor, Mami is coming along with him to the bus stop. However, there was still some time before the bus arrived, so Shunsuke-kun decided to go to the secret meeting place where he usually gathers with his friends. After playing there for a while, Shunsuke-kun finally boarded the bus. The next day, when Shunsuke returned he finds not his familiar hometown, but a ruined town of death... Players control the elementary school protagonist, Shunsuke Takano, navigating the transformed 'town' where they live. The game involves defeating three monsters and uncovering hidden mysteries. Aside from the three monsters, be aware of various traps and puzzles. Additionally, choices and actions in the game may lead to the death of other companions. Be cautious and think carefully about your actions to understand the consequences. Even if companions die, the story will continue, but the ending may change slightly. While the initial goal is to defeat the three monsters, the objective may shift along the way. You'll eventually discover the truth behind the story. Admittedly, the content may be divisive, especially considering the horror genre with elementary school protagonists. Encounters are generally non-existent (only occurring during specific events). The game primarily features event-based battles, and as such, the concept of leveling up is not present.