The Sims: Vacation Cover

The Sims: Vacation


The Sims: Vacation, known as The Sims: On Holiday in the Republic of Ireland, the UK, China and Scandinavia, is the fourth expansion pack for The Sims. Vacation introduces new items, characters, and features, as well as a new destination called Vacation Island where Sims can take vacations with family members or with other Sims. This marks the first time Sims can stay on lots away from home, meaning the game can be saved while a Sim is on Vacation Island. Vacation Island is split into three distinct environments: beach, forest, and snow-capped mountain. Sims can purchase or find souvenirs and either stay at a hotel or rent a tent/igloo.

The Sims: Vacation Screenshot
The Sims: Vacation Screenshot
The Sims: Vacation Screenshot
The Sims: Vacation Screenshot
The Sims: Vacation Screenshot

Release Dates

PC (Microsoft Windows)Mar 25, 2002MacSep 04, 2002



Game Modes

Player Perspectives


Game Engines


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