Fatal Fury
Released in 1991 and one of the longest-running series in the fighting-game genre, this title introduced players to Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi. Select one of the three and visit many locations as your chosen fighter engages in numerous street fights around the fictional city of South Town. If you're good enough, you'll eventually take on Billy Kane and then his boss, the notorious crime lord Geese Howard.
Release Dates
Neo Geo CDJul 02, 2012WiiOct 08, 2007Arcade1991Super Nintendo Entertainment System1993Neo Geo AESDec 20, 1991Neo Geo MVSNov 25, 1991Sega Mega Drive/Genesis1993Super FamicomNov 27, 1992PlayStation PortableDec 21, 2010PlayStation 3Dec 21, 2010