Monster Madness: Grave Danger Cover

Monster Madness: Grave Danger


Monster Madness: Grave Danger is a video game for the PlayStation 3. Developers Psyonix took Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia and ported it to the PlayStation 3, adding 25 new challenge modes, 4-player online co-op for the adventure mode, reworking the control scheme, adding 100 character-specific purchasable accessories, new unlockable character costumes, and changing the camera system.[2] While Battle for Suburbia was originally developed by Artificial Studios, publisher SouthPeak Interactive brought the title to Psyonix to rework the core gameplay and port the game to the PlayStation 3. On 2 February 2011, it was announced that Monster Madness would be ported to Android.[

Monster Madness: Grave Danger Screenshot
Monster Madness: Grave Danger Screenshot

Release Dates

PlayStation 3Sep 05, 2008



Game Modes


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